Infinite Flight User Guide

We've put together a collection of help documents for Infinite Flight pilots, and ATC to help you get flying or controlling.


What are Violations?

Violations can either be automatically generated (Level 1) or issued by ATC (Level 2 or 3) and are a way to moderate pilot behavior on the Training and Expert Servers. Level 1 Violations can be received on both servers, however Level 2 and Level 3 Violations can only be issued on the Expert Server. Each server has its own set of rules and minimum grade requirements, but the Expert Server is for serious users only. If the server rules and procedures are not followed, ATC will strictly enforce this and pilots could be issued a Violation.

Level 1 Violations are automatically generated if a pilot violates any one of the following set conditions:

RuleConditions for Violation
Ground OverspeedAbove 35kts GS (ground speed) on ground, excluding runways
Flight OverspeedAbove 250kts IAS (indicated airspeed) below 10,000ft / exceeding max speed warning (VMO/MMO) - does not apply to military aircraft
Aerobatics within AirspaceAerobatics below 5,000ft and within 5 nautical miles of an airport
Runway IdleSitting idle on a runway longer than 60 seconds without ATC clearance

The most common Level 1 Violation received is Flight Overspeed - make sure to slow down below 250kts IAS well before reaching 10,000ft to avoid this. We also recommend not cruising at (or close to) 10,000ft with a speed above 250kts IAS as the altitude can fluctuate with the Autopilot engaged, resulting in a Violation!

What happens if I get a Violation?

To ensure that all pilots get an enjoyable experience (and realistic experience in the case of the Expert Server), Violations are recorded and have the following implications on a pilot:

Level 1 Violation
If a pilot receives 3 or more Level 1 Violations in one flight, they will automatically be removed from the server and will have to start a flight again
Level 2 Violation (Amber)
The pilot is disconnected from the server but can continue the flight offline. The pilot may return to the Expert Server immediately by starting a new flight provided the number of Level 2 and 3 Violations remain under the server allowed limits

Level 2 Violation
Level 2 Violation

  1. A brief summary is usually provided when you receive a Violation, however you can see a more detailed reason here. If you are still unsure, you can contact the controller on the forum at or follow the steps below to appeal

  2. The User Guide button will end your current flight and take you direct to our guides where you can find more information

  3. The End Flight button will end your flight, provide a summary of your flight and then take you back to the Fly Online Screen

  4. You also have the option to Continue Offline but you will be invisible to other players and will no longer be able to see ATC or traffic

Level 3 Violation (Red)
The pilot is disconnected from the server but can continue the flight offline. The pilot will not be able to return to the Expert Server after the flight has been ended, with access being restricted for 7 days following this

Level 3 Violation
Level 3 Violation

In addition, Violations are kept on a pilot’s record and therefore, if a pilot continues to receive Violations (Level 2 and Level 3 only), Expert Server access will be restricted for longer. Currently, no more than five Level 2 and/or Level 3 Violations can be received within a 365 day rolling period for access to the server.

How to prevent Violations

The best way to prevent Violations is to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Official Tutorials and guides provided at

  • Join our community at and ask questions, there are loads of pilots & controllers out there ready to lend a hand

  • Once your grade is high enough to join the Expert Server, take it slow, follow all ATC instructions and be courteous to other pilots

If you do still find that you receive violations try to find out why, and learn from the experience.

It is important to note that controllers may not always be able to issue a warning (or series of warnings) before a violation, especially when it is very busy or for obvious infractions!

Appealing a Level 2 or 3 Violation

We recommend that you only appeal Level 3 Violations as these prevent access to the Expert Server, whereas Level 2 Violations allow you to start a new flight (provided you have not exceeded the total number of Violations allowed). However, if you believe a Violation was issued in error, you can appeal within 7 days of it being issued by following the steps below:

Step 1
Access your logbook
Step 2
Within Live Flights under the Notes column, you will be able to see any flights that resulted in a report. Tap the note and then select "View Flight Details" at the bottom of the screen. This will provide you with the IFC Username of the Controller that reported you should you wish to appeal
Step 3
Send a private message on our community forum to the controller with your callsign, date of Violation and as much detail as you can provide about the event. If you cannot find the controller or if you are a new user, you can send the appeal to our @appeals group instead
Step 4
It is highly likely that you will be asked to provide your pilot replay to assist the team in handling your appeal
Step 5
Please be patient and we will endeavor to assist you through the process