Infinite Flight User Guide

We've put together a collection of help documents for Infinite Flight pilots, and ATC to help you get flying or controlling.

9.1 Library

 Do and Do Not
Add objects around the airport in realistic setups Place objects within the gate area (i.e. no objects beyond “the white line”)
Use the object line tool to add long portions of fencing Abuse objects to create building shapes or mimic other objects (e.g. don’t sink busses into ground/buildings to fake trains or use fuel tanks to simulate cupolas etc.)
Add aviation related objects outside the airport boundary (e.g. Kai Tak Checkerboard, VORs, Localizer antennas) provided they are properly aligned with the terrain (i.e. no clipping/floating) Avoid placing ULDs on the ground (i.e. not on a dolly) in gate areas, this is only found in storage/cargo areas
- Use excessive amounts of objects in one place (e.g. don’t create full parking areas with cars, use them sparingly in such areas)
- Add Safedocks at gates/airports that do not have this feature available IRL
- Add objects outside the airport boundary
- Add any types of “easter eggs”
- Use construction equipment for temporary NOTAMS (e.g. anything that will not last more than 2 release cycles)


Below is a list of all the objects within the Scenery Editor Library:

 AC Units
ImageObject NameNotes
Unit 1Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
Unit 2Must be placed on rooftop only
Unit 3Must be placed on rooftop only
Unit 4Can be placed next to a wall or rooftop. Altitude can be adjusted if object needs to be above ground level when next to a wall (see 9.3 below)
Unit 5Must be placed on rooftop only
Unit 6Must be placed next to a wall. Altitude can be adjusted if object needs to be above ground level (see 9.3 below)
Unit 7Must be placed next to a wall. Altitude can be adjusted if object needs to be above ground level (see 9.3 below)
Unit 8Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
Large Unit 1Must be placed on rooftop only
Large Unit 2Must be placed on rooftop only
Large Unit 3Must be placed on rooftop only

Consider using steel pipe to connect ACs if required

ImageObject NameNotes
BeaconChange time in-app to night mode (Settings > Time > Night) to be able to see the white/green beacon light and place the beacon in the same location. If the beacon light is not visible, it could be within a building/tower or that the airport does not have one. In these cases, a beacon should not be placed on the airport
Electrical Equipment BuildingSee 9.4.2 and 9.4.3 below
Runway Guard LightsSee 9.4.5 below
WindsockOptional: Editors can adjust the orientation and wind strength indicator of windsocks if they wish to do so (see 9.3 below)
ImageObject NameNotes
ILS LocalizerSee 9.4.2 below
ILS GlideslopeSee 9.4.3 below
VORSee 9.4.4 below
VOR (Small)See 9.4.4 below
 ATC Towers
ImageObject NameNotes
Custom TowersOnly to be used at the intended airport
Medium (Cab)
Small (Cab)

When the "Free" camera is selected, the default location is the tower view. When placing towers this can be useful as you can then pan down to look at the ground and place the tower in the exact location. Make sure to scale the tower so that the cab is just at or below the camera (see 9.3 below)

ImageObject NameNotes
Baggage CartDon't connect more than 4 baggage carts together with a tug
Baggage Tug & Cart
Baggage Tug
Belt LoaderCan be used for any aircraft
Container LD3 ClosedWidebody container
Container LD3-45 ClosedNarrowbody container
Container LD3 FullWidebody container
Container LD3 OpenWidebody container
Small Baggage BeltFor regional aircraft only

Containers should be placed on top of pallet dolleys when at stands or can be placed on the ground when in a cargo area or away from stands. The altitude of the containers should be increased by 0.4 to account for the pallet dolley (see 9.3 below)

 Blast Deflectors
ImageObject NameNotes
Large Grey
Large Red
Small Grey
Small Red
ImageObject NameNotes
Custom BuildingsOnly to be used at the intended airport
ImageObject NameNotes
Cargo/Pallet Loader
Container (Large)
Container (Small)
Pallet DollyOptional: add empty pallet dolleys as well as with containers on top for variety

Containers should be placed on top of pallet dolleys when at stands or can be placed on the ground when in a cargo area or away from stands. The altitude of the containers should be increased by 0.4 to account for the pallet dolley (see 9.3 below)

ImageObject NameNotes
Not AvailableCrawler CraneSee note below
Not AvailableExcavatorSee note below
Not AvailableSkid Steer LoaderSee note below
Not AvailableSmall Wheel LoaderSee note below
Steel Pipe 1Optional: can also be used for connecting fuel tanks or AC units
Steel Pipe 2Optional: can also be used for connecting fuel tanks or AC units
Steel Pipe 3
Steel Pipe 4
Steel Pipes 1
Steel Pipes 2
Steel Pipes 3
Steel Pipes 4
Not AvailableTower CraneSee note below

Construction equipment must not be used for temporary NOTAMS (e.g. anything that will not last more than 2 release cycles before being out of date). Its main purpose should be for large construction projects such as new terminals or runways. Additionally, Editors must not use objects to close taxiways or runways that are part of the taxiway network (as controllers will not be able to see this on their maps when controlling in-app)

ImageObject NameNotes
Barrier Large Red
Barrier Medium Red
Barrier Large White
Barrier Medium White
Chainlink Fence (End)Make sure barbed wire faces outward from airport
Chainlink Fence (Middle)Make sure barbed wire faces outward from airport
Chainlink Fence No Barb (End)
Chainlink Fence No Barb (Middle)
Chainlink Gate
Concrete Block Grey 1
Concrete Block Grey 2
Concrete Block Yellow
Fence 3m
Fence 6m
Fence 12m
Wood Fence - New
Wood Fence - Old
Wood Fence - Pilar

If making large portions of fence, place 5 - 15 fence panels together and then copy & paste to help speed up the process. Upwards of 20 fences panels can make it difficult to connect fences together

 Fire Fighting
ImageObject NameNotes
Aircraft Fire Trainer
Oshkosh Striker 4500 (Red)Do not make water cannon salute at any airport without prior authorization
Oshkosh Striker 4500 (Yellow)Do not make water cannon salute at any airport without prior authorization

Optional - to add variety consider adding a fire truck or two around the airport rather than just at the fire station

ImageObject NameNotes
Fuel Tank 1
Fuel Tank 2
Fuel Tank 500 Gal
Fuel Tank 12,000 Gal

Optional - consider using steel pipe to connect fuel tanks if required


Once jet bridges are added, properties and animations can be adjusted (see 10.3 and 10.4 below).

ImageObject NameNotes
Base (Glass)
Connector (Glass)
Double Connector
Double Connector (Glass)
Glass End Section (Long)
End Section (Long)
Glass Section (Long)
Glass Section (Medium)
Glass Section (Short)
Section (Long)
Section (Medium)
Section (Short)
Section (Extra Short)
ImageObject NameNotes
Ammunition Trailer (Empty)
Ammunition Trailer (Full)
Fire Extinguisher
Military Fuel Truck
Military Tug
Pallet Loader

All military objects are only to be used at military airports (or military stands at airports that have other traffic as well as military)

ImageObject NameNotes
DonutDo not use without prior authorization
ImageObject NameNotes
Flood Lights (Large)
Fuel Pump (Self Serve)For GA aircraft and vehicles
Generic PoleParticularly useful at remote locations where the stand guidance is on a pole rather than the terminal building (see 10.2.1 below)
Ground Power UnitPosition near nose of the aircraft (make sure it is outside of the stand parking lines)
Light (Small)Optional: by placing multiple lights in the same position, editors can adjust the orientation to create a single pole that has multiple lights (see 9.3 below)
Not AvailableMoritz
Not AvailableRace Pylon Checkerboard
Not AvailableRace Pylon Red
Not AvailableSilo
ImageObject NameNotes
Runway Closure SignThis must only be used on permanently closed runways IRL that are not marked as a runway in-app (e.g. not at the secondary runway at EGKK as this is occasionally used IRL)
Small StairsOptional: sometimes it can appear more in proportion if the scale is reduced to between 0.6-0.8 (see 9.3 below)
TowbarDo not connect the towbar to a tug/vehicle or aircraft and keep outside of stand parking lines. The low end should be towards tug/terminal, high end should be towards aircraft
ImageObject NameNotes
Ground Radar
Not AvailablePrimary Radar
ImageObject NameNotes
Ladder 2Must be placed next to a wall. Altitude is referenced from the top of the object so will need to be adjusted to ensure it matches the altitude of the building roof it is attached to (see 9.3 below)
Walkway 1 (Long)
Walkway 1 (Short)
Walkway 1 (Steps)
Walkway 2 (Steps)
Walkway 3 (Long)
Walkway 3 (Short)

You can add two walkways together and flip one so that it creates a walkway with a guard rail on each side

 Solar Panels
ImageObject NameNotes
Flat 1Must be placed on rooftop only
Flat 2Must be placed on rooftop only
Flat 3Must be placed on rooftop only
Flat 4Must be placed on rooftop only
Tilted 1Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
Tilted 2Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
Tilted 3Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
Tilted 4Can be placed on the ground or rooftop
ImageObject NameNotes
Not AvailableAircraft Maintenance Stairs
Air Stairs Medium
Boarding Ramp
Small Stair Car
 Stand Guidance
ImageObject NameNotes
Not AvailableSafedock T1See 10.2.1 below
ImageObject NameNotes
Not AvailableBest Tugs Echo
Not AvailableBest Tugs Sierra
Tug Large 1Do not use with towbar
Tug MediumDo not use with towbar
Tug Medium 1
ImageObject NameNotes
Airport Bus
Not AvailableAmbulift
Catering Truck
Not AvailableCLT-8 Transporter
De-Icing Truck
Not AvailableElectric Fuel Truck
Fuel Truck (Large)
Fuel Truck (Small)
Not AvailableLavatory Service Truck
Not AvailableMaintenance Lifter
Not AvailablePotable Water Truck
Not AvailableTLD Jet-16
Vehicle - Pickup (Red/Yellow)
Vehicle - Pickup (Yellow/Black)
Vehicle - Pickup (White)
Vehicle - Van (Red/White)
Vehicle - Van (Yellow/Black)
Vehicle - Van (White)
Various Sedans/SUVsIf you create carparks that are within the airport boundary, do not add too many vehicles

Vehicles should be used sparingly. Try to change the vehicles up and spread them out to add variety!

 Airport Items
ImageObject NameNotes
Not AvailableBeacon
Not AvailableLanding Guidance SystemSee 9.4.4 below
Not AvailableStart LocationSee 7.1.2 below
Not AvailableView PointSee 9.4.6 below

Various bundles are available to save Editors time by inserting a group of objects that are typical for a particular location, for example the "Remote Parking" contains the objects that are typically found at remote parking locations. Custom bundles can also be made and shared by following the below steps:

Step 1
Add the objects that you would like to bundle together (see 9.2.2 below)

Buildings cannot be added to bundles and any changes to scaling will not be saved within the bundle

Step 2
Tap, hold and then drag your finger on the screen to select all the objects (a white box will appear to show the catchment area). All blue dots that represent each object will turn magenta to show the objects that have been selected
Step 3
Tap "File" and then "Save Selected as Bundle" on the left of the screen
Step 4
Name the bundle and then tap "OK". The bundle will appear under "Bundles" in the "Library" on the right of the screen
Step 5
Any bundle can be shared by selecting the bundle from the "Library" and then tapping "File" and "Share Selected Bundle" from the left of the screen

Different aircraft types are available, these can be used as place holders to ensure other objects allow aircraft clearance (such as when placing objects close to a parking location)