Billionaires continue to escape reality — Another bit of info found within the details of the filing is that Thiel’s zen compound will employ up to 30 local workers at any given time, although the report is careful to note that none of these people will actually live on the grounds. As Stuff New Zealand also notes, the proposal “includes substantial ecological works, including the retention of native forest, fencing to keep pests and stock out, and the restoration of wetlands alongside a substantial area of farmland.” So, there’s that.
The increasing number of luxury fuck-yous like “hidden” mountain lodges and billionaire space sightseeing jaunts won’t dissipate soon, in all likelihood. As the world of their underlings becomes more precarious, it’s easy to envision the wealthiest upping the demand for high-end escapism, projects that will almost invariably include some shallow “progressive” add-ons like green architecture or Billionaire Boyz Club space races for charity. Don’t be fooled.