Family nets a solid NFT sum for its famous side-eye toddler meme
The amount paid at auction for the Clem family's official NFT.
The family of the toddler responsible for the side-eye that launched a thousand memes has finally recouped a decent price for Chloe Clem’s universally relatable reaction face. On Friday, an NFT screenshot from Katie Clem’s original YouTube video sold at auction for over $74,000 (around 25 ETH at the time) to 3F Music, a Dubai-based music production company that also owns NFTS of the “Overly Attached Girlfriend” and “Disaster Girl” memes, as well as a very meta NFT of a New York Times article about... NFTs.
“It was a great, great day,” Katie Clem told The Washington Post. “It’s been a really fun thing as our family to do. It’s actually brought us a lot closer over the last few weeks of just trying to figure out everything.” Chloe, who is now 10 years old, is reportedly hoping for a pony and / or a pair of AirPods using some of the auction money, and you know what? She’s earned it, as far as we’re concerned.
Our one allotted “Good NFT” story this week — Unfortunately, this probably means our average of one decent NFT news item per week has already been exhausted on a Monday, implying the next few days will see nothing but stories similar to QAnon cash-ins, Beeple retreads, clipart rocks, and misogynistic scams. And if none of what you just read makes any sense to you... congratulations on avoiding a thoroughly confusing, infuriating, and unnecessary subject that somehow still manages to have vast implications on the worlds of art, cryptocurrency, and artistic ownership.
Stay tuned for whatever NFTs have in store for us in the coming days — probably something to do with flat-earthers, or Blue Lives Matter advocates, or just straight-up grifters copying other people’s work knowing our luck.