Still more attractive than other, real streaming services — Despite the fact that Nestflix’s whole deal is based on, y’know, not real things, it’s still more entertaining than some of the other options we’ve seen in recent months. CNN announced its own service last month called (you guessed it) CNN+ that is slated to launch early next year... and we remain unconvinced there are more than a dozen people who would actually be interested in such an option. And to be honest, we’re not sure anyone is rushing to give a Cuomo any more money than they absolutely have to these days.
Back in June, Facebook similarly unveiled a podcasting streaming feature that’s now available on its platform, an addition that feels a bit late to the game now that Apple and Spotify have solidified their hold on the market. And, lest we forget, there was Quibi for a very brief moment in time. Meanwhile, there’s the ever-present monolith of Disney+ looming over essentially all of the other competition — seriously, 100 million subscribers already? WandaVision was good, but it wasn’t that good, was it?