The end goal is to create ships that can perform both mundane and high-risk duties with little to no oversight, leaving the more complex tasks to humans at a safer, more remote distance. Or, as Lockheed more bluntly puts it, "The Navy’s vision for USVs will enable the fleet to fight as a distributed, networked and more lethal force. USVs will provide extended presence across the globe with reduced risk to sailors and increased obstacles and complications for adversaries."
We're all for new, cutting-edge ways to keep more troops out of harm's way, but c'mon. Are we, like, that hellbent on engineering our own robot apocalypse? The answer, according to the Navy and Lockheed Martin, appears to be a fairly resounding, "Yes, please." Also, you know if they don't do it someone else will, which really means not doing it would simply be leaving money on the table.