Bear Tips: Link notes for fun and profit

Bear Tips: Link notes for fun and profit

No note is an island in Bear. We believe that your notes should be free to coexist, intermingle, and link between each other, like your shower ideas and all your non-shower ideas throughout the day.

That’s why we empowered your notes to do just that.

Whether you’re on Mac or iOS, it’s easy to link one Bear note to another:

  • Mac — Right-click a note in the Note List and choose Copy Link to Note
  • iOS — Swipe right on a note in the Note List, tap More, then Copy Link to Note
  • Both — You can also type a note’s title within double brackets. For example, say you have a note titled “Sneak Onto Elon Musk’s First Mission to Mars,” you could type [[Sneak Onto Elon Musk’s First Mission to Mars]] in a note and boom, insta-link.Also: good luck. Send a postcard.

With a link to Note A in your clipboard, select some text in Note B and use the link tool to paste and seal the deal. To quickly navigate back to a linked note, just click the highlighted text (on iOS, dismiss the keyboard first).

We hope you enjoy Bear’s linkable notes! We’d love to hear what you think at, Reddit and on Twitter @BearNotesApp.