Quick Tip: Check out Bear’s keyboard shortcuts for Mac, iPad, and even iPhone!

Quick Tip: Check out Bear’s keyboard shortcuts for Mac, iPad, and even iPhone!

Getting things done in Bear by mousing or tapping around is fun and all. But you know what really scratches a bear’s back? Keyboard shortcuts. And we have two paw-fuls of ’em for you.

Check out our support docs that cover iOS Shortcuts and Mac Shortcuts. Working on an iPad with a keyboard? Press and hold the Command key for a second or two to display a shortcut cheat sheet. Note that some shortcuts appear and disappear based on your current task. If you’re on a Mac, you can of course take a stroll around Bear’s menu options to see most available shortcuts.

We spent a good amount of time to enable you to use Bear from the keyboard. There are shortcuts a’plenty for adding Markdown style like headings, links, bold, lists, code blocks, and even tasks.

Some shortcuts are for moving lines of text throughout your note, while our journaling users can add dates in a variety of formats. There are also shortcuts for navigating notes and tags, starting your edits at the end of the current note, and more.

This is probably also a good time to mention that Bear has full support for TextExpander and its iOS app. With TextExpander, you can create snippets of reusable text, then trigger them anywhere on your Mac, in supported iOS apps like Bear, or anywhere on iOS with the TextExpander Keyboard. It’s powerful stuff.

Let us know what you think of Bear’s shortcuts, or if we’re missing any, at bear@shinyfrog.net, on Reddit, and on Twitter @BearNotesApp.