Lame, Until it Isn’t

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And as we approach WWDC 2022, there’s a lot of smoke around AR and VR. In some ways, this is going to be a huge inflection point, in other ways, it’s probably going to be a letdown.

Remember when the iPod was announced? Some folks called it lame because it didn’t meet their expectations.

The same thing will be true of anything Apple wants us to put on our face. It’s going to less impressive technically than any of the currently shipping products. And that’s good, because you don’t make fundamental changes by tweaking existing technologies. A Nomad audio player was a tweak. An Oculus headset is a tweak.

Everything we’ve seen to date with VR has been an attempt to bring information to a 3D world. Headsets are just a means to project that 3D environment so our eyes can see it.

I think Apple’s approach with AR will be completely different: they will bring 3D to an information world.

We all have the greatest source of information humankind has ever known in our pocket or purse. Much of that information relates to the world around us: weather, transportation, shopping, dining, etc. Relating that data to our physical space will be a powerful tool.

All the AR examples we’ve seen on Apple’s devices hint at this direction. They take the information on our phone and place it at derived 3D coordinates. Where people get tripped up in these demos is where the results are shown: on a standard screen.

I don’t think that’s Apple’s final goal, because any current screen technology will block your view of the real world. It’s also why I think 3D headsets will remain a niche technology: people have innate need to see what’s going on around them.

Our current  screens also use a lot of power. And that means batteries. And that means weight. Not what I want on my face, for sure.

Apple knows this and that’s why I think a new display system is the thing they’re taking time to get right. We may or may not see this new display at WWDC. I can remember a time when all we had for an iPad was a simulator.

The changes caused by a new display will be incremental. There will certainly be technical limitations in the product that are imposed by size and weight: Apple will improve on those things as components allow.

Other changes will happen because no one, including Apple, really knows how this display will be used by normal folks (we, I should note, are not normal folks). The first Apple Watch tried to do a lot of things: iteration got rid of things no one used, and improved the things everyone wanted.

It’s likely that a first iteration will also be a “satellite device” where the iPhone does the heavy lifting. Much like the original iPod relied on a Mac. The realityOS could be nothing more than widgets for a new display on your face.

That will feel lame until you realize something else: after two decades, the basic form factor and functionality of that first iPod is now an essential part of our lives and we call it an iPhone. Don’t underestimate Apple’s ability to iterate.

The Future of Interaction

Shortly after finishing my treatise on Marzipan, I started thinking about what lies beyond. Some of those initial thoughts made it into a thread on Twitter.

This post can be considered an addendum or a hell of a long footnote: in either case, you’ll want to start by reading my thoughts on Marzipan. Because what’s happening this year is just the start of a major shift in how we’re going to build apps.

So while everyone else is making predictions about WWDC 2019, what you’ll find below are the ones I’m making for 2020 and beyond.

Update June 7th, 2019: It turns out I was making predictions for 2019, after all.

What is Apple’s Problem?

Before we get into thinking about the future, let’s look at a problem that Apple has today: too many products on too many platforms.

Historically, a person only had one computer to deal with. For several generations it was a mainframe; more recently it was a PC. One of the disruptive changes that started with the iPhone was the need to juggle two computers. Now we have watches generating and displaying data: another computer. Increasingly, the audio and video devices in our living rooms are added to the mix.

Syncing and cloud services help manage the data, but we all know the challenges of keeping a consistent view on so many machines.

If you’re an iMessage developer, you have to think about a product that works on iOS, macOS, and watchOS. You get a pass on tvOS, but that’s small consolation. The same situation exists in various combinations for all of Apple’s major apps: Music, Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Mail, etc.

It’s likely that all of these apps share a common data model, probably supported by an internal framework that can be shared amongst platforms. That leaves the views and the controllers as an area where code can’t be shared.

Marzipan is About Views

With this insight, it’s easy to see Marzipan as a way towards views that share code. A UIView can be used on your TV, on your desktop, on your wrist, and in your pocket. That’s a big win for developer productivity.

It’s also a win for designer productivity: you can share app design elements. We already see this in Apple’s cross-platform apps when colors in Calendar match, speech bubbles in Message have the same shape, and Notes shares a special glyph for the “A”.

Everyone’s excited to know what the Dark Mode on iOS is going to look like. My guess is that people who have been running a dark user interface on their Mac have already seen it. It’s hard to find a balance of readability and contrast with dark elements and I don’t see Apple’s designers making any major changes in next week’s announcement. There will certainly be refinements, but it makes no sense to throw out the huge amount of work that’s already been done.

I also see the Mac leading the way with techniques that provide a more vibrant interface and allow a customer to customize their device. The accent color in System Preferences would be a welcome addition in the iOS Settings app.

All of this leads to a common appearance across platforms. In the near future, we’ll be in a nice place where our architecture can be shared in models, and our designs shared in views.

That leaves us with one final problem to solve: how do we share our interactions and controllers?

The Arrival of New Interactions

Apple ties interactions to platforms and their associated hardware. The Mac has interactions that are different than iOS. And watchOS has ones that are different than iOS. On tvOS, you can be limited to four arrow keys and two buttons.

There are some interactions, such as a swipe, that appear on multiple platforms, but as a whole each platform is different. This approach lets the customer get the most out of the device they purchase.

As we start to think about how interactions are shared amongst platforms, it’s wise to consider new hardware might be arriving soon.

For the past few years, Apple has been putting a lot of effort into augmented reality (AR). And I have no doubt that this hard work is not for our current devices.

AR is a great demo on an iPhone or iPad, but the reality is that you can’t hold a device in front of your face for an extended period of time: your arm gets tired after just a few minutes. I made this argument over a decade ago when everyone was getting excited about multi-touch displays coming to their desktop. It still holds true because it’s a dumb idea, just like AR on a mobile phone.

Apple will solve this problem with new hardware. And these devices will run “headgearOS” with new and completely different interactions. If you’re that Messages developer, it means you’ll be writing new code for yet another platform. Yay.

There are other twists to this story: rumors about iPads with mice and Macs with touch screens. And let’s not forget about interactions with voice commands using Siri technologies.

It all adds up to a situation where the complexity of products is increasing exponentially as new devices and interactions are introduced. There has to be a better way.

How Not to Do It

Cross-platform frameworks have a long history of sucking. If you ever used a Java app during the early days of Mac OS X, you know immediately what I’m talking about: the interactions were from a different universe. The design of the system was a “least common denominator” where only a limited set of capabilities was exposed. It just felt wrong.

More recent attempts have had more success but they still fail to address the problem of ever-expanding interactivity.

Apple’s been down this road before and I don’t see them making the journey again. Instead, I see them taking a new and forward thinking direction. A bold and pragmatic change that Apple is famous for: they’d be setting themselves up for the next decade of user interaction.

So what could they do that no one else in the industry is doing?

Declarative Interactions

As Matt Gallagher notes, we’ve slowly been heading towards a declarative programming style.

Declarative programming is describing a system using set of rules and relationships. The rules and relationships cannot be changed during the lifetime of the system (they are invariant), so any dynamic behavior in the system must be part of the description from the beginning.

Syntactically, declarative programming is often about assembling a whole system of rules as either a single expression or domain-specific language whose structure reflects the relationship between the rules in the system.

Layout is an inherently declarative task. Layout is a set of rules (which Auto Layout calls “constraints”) that apply to the contents of a view, ideally for the entire lifetime of the contents. Constraint programming itself is sometimes considered a sub-discipline of declarative programming.

He pulls this together with his own experiences into a prediction about a Swift-only framework for “declarative views”.

Independently, John Gruber has made similar observations.

The general idea is that rather than writing classic procedural code to, say, make a button, then configure the button, then position the button inside a view, you instead declare the button and its attributes using some other form. HTML is probably the most easily understood example. In HTML you don’t procedurally create elements like paragraphs, images, and tables — you declare them with tags and attributes in markup.

In my opinion, limiting this thinking to just views and layout is short-sighted.

That’s because it doesn’t address the interaction problem with an ever increasing set of platforms. But what if this new framework not only let you declare views, but also the behaviors they enable?

The developer would describe the interactions an app supports. There would be relationships between those declared interactions. All this immutable information would then be processed by user interface frameworks. Your app’s behavior would be determined at runtime, not when it was compiled.

Think about how this would work using auto layout as a point of comparison. Until that declarative system came along, we all worried about frame placement. Now we just worry about the relationships between those frames and let the system pick what’s best.

With our interactions, we still have this tight coupling between a user action and app’s behavior. Tapping on a button or a swipe gesture invokes some code directly. A declarative interaction would be a layer of abstraction between what a customer does and how your app reacts.

Again, using auto layout to help form our thinking, what if there were “interaction classes” that functioned like size classes? Your iPad would behave as it always has until you plugged in a mouse. At that point, how you interact with the device adapts:

  • Controls could get smaller because of the increased pointing accuracy
  • Views could gain a hover state to display additional information
  • Drag & drop could change because it no longer depends on two fingers
  • A mechanical wheel could replace a finger for scrolling

This kind of adaptability would work across platforms – your app would behave differently when it was running in augmented reality or on a TV screen. As a developer you wouldn’t have to worry about what kind of hardware is available, you’d have to worry about what to do when a customer used it to perform a task.

I’m not going to predict how this would be accomplished. Yes, it could draw inspiration from React or other similar technologies. The only thing I’m confident of at this point is that Apple knows it has a problem and is working actively to solve it in a platform-independent fashion.

Marzipan is our first step. And what I’ve described above is Amber, the next step.

Benchmarking in your pants – 10th Anniversary Edition™

One of my favorite posts is one that’s over ten years old: Benchmarking in your pants.

In that essay, I compared the original iPhone to my iMac, both with native and web apps. One of the reviewers of my treatise on the iPhone SDK thought it would be fun to see how those numbers stack up to an iPhone X.

The code still runs, so why not?

Test Original iPhone iPhone X Faster by
100,000 iterations 0.015 secs. 0.000408 secs. 36x
10,000 divisions 0.004 0.000043 93x
10,000 sin(x) calls 0.105 0.000107 981x
10,000 string allocations 0.085 0.000367 230x
10,000 function calls 0.004 0.000040 100x

These numbers should be considered very approximate. I only used three digits of precision in the original measurements, this time over 5 were needed. Also, there was no attempt to use more than one core.

Still, it’s easy to see why today’s apps are much more sophisticated. They run code hundreds of times faster.

They also have screens that are a bit larger than 320 × 480 :-)

Apple’s Lenovo

To bring long-term value for clients, companies need to continually reinvent themselves.

This quote comes from an IBM announcement that it was selling its PC business in 2005.

IBM’s business was moving towards services, and it was less dependent on hardware sales. But it still needed hardware to provide services for its clients.

The deal let IBM focus on its future. Lenovo got the ThinkPad brand, engineering talent, and a sales channel. This was one of those rare win-win scenarios they teach in business school.

Apple is no stranger to reinventing itself. Thirty years ago, it was selling a $15,000 printer.


It was a beautiful device that produced stunning output. It launched the desktop publishing revolution and established Adobe as a central figure in the software ecosystem.

And today you can’t buy a printer with an Apple logo.

Someday soon, we’ll look back wistfully at those beautiful displays Apple used to make. With the announcement of the new LG partnership and displays, we’re seeing another part of Apple’s business being outsourced.

Maybe it’s time that Apple does the same thing with the Mac Pro business described by Marco Arment.

Like IBM, Apple is in a bind. Its future and the bulk of its revenue depend on mobile devices. Yet we can’t make these products without the horsepower provided by the Mac.

Besides Apple’s own internal needs, there are many professionals creating content for mobile devices. These folks need fast and capable computers to create apps, music, and videos. We all need powerful Macs to enrich the mobile ecosystem.

John Gruber said it best, “It’s the heaviness of the Mac that allows iOS to remain light.” But will iOS pick up this heavy load by the end of this decade? I don’t see it happening with my own work.

Licensing just the operating system was a disaster for Apple. Professional customers don’t have the time to build and maintain their own Hackintoshes. Any partnership to build Mac hardware would need to be structured so that it benefits Apple, the partner, and customer alike.

Just like IBM and their clients have benefitted from Lenovo.

Adulterated Swift

There has been some discussion lately about Swift not having the dynamic features of the Objective-C runtime. Brent Simmons has been doing a great job of pointing out why this is a problem.

It’s very easy to overlook the importance of the dynamic runtime environment. Many of the things it enables happen behind the scenes. There’s no better example of this misunderstanding than a developer who says their app is “Pure Swift”.

That’s because you can’t currently write an app that only uses Swift. The purity of your code is lost as soon as you #import UIKit.

A picture’s worth a thousand words, so here’s a project that demonstrates why it’s impossible. The app itself is ridiculously simple: there’s a button, a few labels, and a single action method. It’s as “Pure Swift” as you can get.


This project also contains an Objective-C category named NSObject+Adulterated. This category overrides two methods that lie at the heart of the dynamic runtime: -respondsToSelector: and -methodForSelector:. The normal operation of these methods is not affected; the only additional functionality is some logging to the console when they’re used. Other than being in the bridging header, the code is not used directly by the app.

When you run the app, you’ll immediately see all the places where Swift is not being used. Pretty much everything you take for granted in your app is using the dynamic runtime. Layout, drawing, animation, and event handling are all dependent on something that Swift doesn’t have yet.

Of course, you’ll immediately say, “This isn’t Swift’s problem! Just rewrite the frameworks!”

And that is exactly the point I’m trying to make.

The community around Swift’s evolution is amazing. The language is improving quickly and dramatically thanks to talented developers inside and outside of Apple. It’s a remarkable open source project.

My concern is that there isn’t a corresponding discussion about the things we’re going to build with this new language. As you’ve just seen, frameworks are important, yet there is no uikit-evolution mailing list. There is an imbalance between the tool and the craft.

I’m guessing that part of this problem lies within Apple itself. There are plenty of developers in Cupertino who have built large applications and the frameworks that they use. I’m absolutely certain that this subject has been discussed in detail by some very smart folks. And they, of course, can’t talk about internal projects.

My suggestion for the folks on the Swift project is to be a little more forthcoming about future plans with frameworks and other infrastructure besides the language itself. It’s a big piece of a puzzle that long-time app developers want and need.

A lot of hand-wringing could be ameliorated with a simple “Yep, we’re working on it.”