
Samsung's Galaxy Chromebook is the Pixelbook 2 Google never made

Maybe the nicest Chromebook yet.

Raymond Wong / Input

I think about Google's Pixelbook every time I reach up to my MacBook Pro and poke its screen, only to remember it's not a touchscreen. I miss its tactile keyboard, its taller 3:2 display, and it's ability to handle 50 open Chrome tabs (yes, I'm insane like that) without choking up. That's why I'm so stoked about Samsung's Galaxy Chromebook. Because it's basically the Pixelbook 2 Google should have made but never did.


It's hella thin. The Galaxy Chromebook is thinner than a 13-inch MacBook Pro (14.9mm) and Pixelbook (10.2mm). The slevlte body means it's also super light: only 2.2 pounds.