inRoute v5.0 Released
inRoute 5.0 is now available, expanding the maximum route limit to 100 locations and including several ease-of-use and performance updates.
inRoute Pro
Create routes with up to 100 locations with the new inRoute Pro subscription. Access all services such as optimization, weather, voice navigation, iCloud sync and more, for one low monthly/yearly price. Also supports importing 100 locations at a time from spreadsheets and text files, including TXT, CSV, GPX and KML formats.
* The one-time purchase model (inRoute Premium) remains available and includes all features for routes with up to 25 locations.
New pin detail information
Route progress is now shown on each map pin’s details screen, so rather than use the List icon to view all route location’s times and distances, you can jump straight to a particular pin’s progress directly on the map.
And more
Several other refinements have also been made:
- More robust and faster route calculation, including a new “load from cache” option for the fastest routing when the latest route information is generally not needed, for example during early trip planning and experimenting.
- Voice navigation improvements for clearer turn-by-turn instructions
- Faster access to Bookmarks and the route Curviness chart
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