Last chance to get the Indie Sticker Pack and do some good!

Last chance to get the Indie Sticker Pack and do some good!

We have to admit, the world feels upside down right now. Among the many things happening, the COVID-19 pandemic forced much of the world into quarantine. In the middle of it all, the Black Lives Matter movement raised awareness of police brutality in the US and other parts of the world, and has started to affect meaningful change.

As a company, we’ve been searching for a way we can do our part to help. Then we were lucky enough to find the Indie Sticker Pack, a way for the indie iOS community to do a little good in the world.

A snazzy video for the Indie Sticker Pack

It’s a pack of stickers featuring some of the best darn apps in the App Store (yes, including Bear!) for one super price, and two great causes.

The profits from the Indie Sticker Pack will be split 50/50 and donated to two important organizations: the WHO’s Solidarity Response Fund which helps communities around the world deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Equal Justice Initiative, which fights racial and economic injustice.

Looking at the roster of all the apps involved, we are honored to be in such fantastic company—seriously, check out their apps! The Indie Sticker Pack is only available for about another day, so definitely run, don’t walk and grab yours.