Bear for iPad now supports the Magic Keyboard, trackpads, and other mice

Bear for iPad now supports the Magic Keyboard, trackpads, and other mice

The iPad recently got even more touchy and feely with the new mouse support Apple added in iPadOS 13.4. We’ve been working on bringing that mouse support to Bear, and today we’re happy to say it’s here!

Bear for iPad now has strong support for working with a mouse, whether it’s your longtime favorite or a shiny new Magic Keyboard. We have a cursor pointer, we have gestures, we even have clicking! Give these a shot:

  • Two-finger swipe left and right to hide and show the Sidebar and Note List
  • Drag notes from the Note List onto a tag in the Sidebar to add that tag to them
  • Right-click notes in the Note List for a variety of options
  • Click randomly around in a blank note to help fight writer’s block

For a good example of what you can do with the new mouse support in Bear, check out the video above.

Let us know what you think about the new mouse support on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or directly at

Banner photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash