7 reasons Bear is better than a valentine

7 reasons Bear is better than a valentine

Today may be one of the greeting card industry’s favorite holidays. It’s also a good time to reflect on all the ways Bear is never gonna give you up, let you down, run around, or desert you.

We pack a lot of love into Bear, from big features like nested tags and note encryption, to the many little touches like TagCons and Special Searches. Check out some of the ways Bear is no stranger to love:

  1. Bear does not need a fancy dinner. Because Bear is an app, and apps do not eat fancy food. Or any food
  2. But if Bear were a real bear, it would probably eat your flowers
  3. Bear can keep your notes secret. A valentine would just put them in a card, which is not very secure
  4. Bear will never break up with you. But if necessary, you can easily break up with Bear. We’d love to help before it comes to that, though!
  5. A Valentine wants you to procrastinate. Bear can keep you on task
  6. Bear won’t try to make out with you on a first date. Just see how it goes and if there’s a connection
  7. Bear does not hibernate in the winter or even sleep at night. It’s there for you 24/7/365

If you love something about Bear, we’d love to hear it on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or directly at bear@shinyfrog.net.